** Saturday, May 31, 10 AM - Guided walk at Zurich Bog **


A National Natural Landmark with a Sphagnum bog and floating bog cradled by glacial drumlins, Zurich Bog covers 650 acres in Arcadia, NY.  Anytime is a great time to enjoy this Bergen Swamp Preservation property.  Based on past visits to Zurich Bog we are likely to see: Pitcher Plants, Lady Slippers, Cucumber Root, Trillium, Foam Flowers, Mayapple, Blood Root, several varieties of fern, Partridge Berry, Gold Thread, Ginseng, Solomon Seal, Sundew, tulip trees, Marsh Marigolds, and more.  

We would like to have a count of who to expect.  Please let us know you're joining us by sending an email to canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com by Wednesday, May 28.  A carpool will leave the Sly Street parking lot by 9 AM.