** Saturday, February 22: 1-3 PM GLT walk **

 Genesee Land Trust Winter Walk at Gosnell Big Woods in Webster


 Both Drs. Bruce Gilman and Fred Haynes will be leading us through one of their favorite old growth forest at Gosnell Big Woods on Saturday, February 22 from 1-3 PM.   We would appreciate if you can send us an email to let us know you're joining us (canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com).  A carpool will leave at 11:55 AM from the Sly Street parking lot behind the Ontario County Courthouse.  If you prefer, you may meet us at the Big Meadow parking lot to begin our adventure.

We encourage you to check out the Genesee Land Trust website where you will find a wonderful assortment of community events (both theirs and other free events in the greater Rochester area). 

WOW! We really were fortunate with the sunny, warmer weather to enjoy a winter walk at Gosnell Big Woods.  

Bruce begins talking about the Elm tree near the parking lot

White Pine - can be aged by counting branch whirls

young eagle

dead ash

Wild black cherry (dark chip bark with bitter taste) and young black oaks

hemlock woolly adelgid

Black walnut with monkey face scars and chambered pith

Smelling the sassafrass


scotch pine

White Pine

looking up through tulip, red oak, black birch and other trees

Bruce recommends Winter Tree Finder guide by May Theilgaard and Tom Watts  (many libraries may have it) 

appreciating the shadows, thanks to the warming sun

making plans to return after the snow melts