On this day 135 years ago the Canandaigua Botanical Society was established. Please enjoy the listing of species seen on our May 9th botanical walk through Rogers' Woods.
Standing among Mertensias/BlueBells in bloom
White Mertensias
Pale blue with pink Mertensia blossoms
Gene welcomes us to Rogers' Woods
Fading white trillium
Pathside variety
False Solomon'seal in bloom
Trout lily: flowers gone
Yellow violets
Meadow rue in bloom
Cut-leaved toothwort
Wild geranium in bloom
Our species recorder for the day.
Equsitum (horsetail)
Woodpecker evidence
Plenty of poison ivy!
The following species were also seen:
Blood root, flowers gone
Garlic mustard in bloom
Mandrake, finished blooming
Mystery bush with small buds