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Species identified in Rogers' Woods

On this day 135 years ago the Canandaigua Botanical Society was established. Please enjoy the listing of species seen on our May 9th botanical walk through Rogers' Woods.
Standing among Mertensias/BlueBells in bloom

White Mertensias

Pale blue with pink Mertensia blossoms
Gene welcomes us to Rogers' Woods

Fading white trillium

Pathside variety

False Solomon'seal in bloom

Trout lily: flowers gone

Yellow violets


Meadow rue in bloom

Cut-leaved toothwort

Wild geranium in bloom
Our species recorder for the day.

Equsitum (horsetail)

Woodpecker evidence

Plenty of poison ivy!
The following species were also seen:
Blood root, flowers gone
Garlic mustard in bloom
Mandrake, finished blooming
Mystery bush with small buds