Moody Trail walk, Saturday, August 6, 2022

  Join us as Dr. Bruce Gilman, AKA The Plantman, leads us on a botanical walk along the Moody Trail in Rushville, NY on Saturday, August 6th.  We will meet at 10 AM on Main Street, Rushville (CR 245 across from the Warehouse Street intersection).  This is a flat walk along an old railroad bed.  Everyone is welcome!  Learn about the plants and habitats along the trail and about the nearly 150 years of the Canandaigua Botanical Society; the second oldest US botanical club.


It was a very warm morning as 16 people appreciated the shade along much of the Moody trail.  Thanks to Steve Lewandowski for sharing the trail's namesake, Robert Moody who was a historian of Rushville until his death at 96 years.  

This is a partial list of the species we spotted:  agrimony, American Elm tree, Avens, bird's-foot trefoil, bitternut hickory, black locust, black walnut, blue lubelia, burr oak, Catalpa tree, celendine, Chinkapin oak, creeping bellflower, enchanter's nightshade, false Solomon's seal, goldenrod, Herb Robert, hog peanut, honeysuckle, jewelweed (yellow), Joe-pye weed, loosestrife, money wort, mugwort, ox tongue, plantain, poison ivy, rag weed, speedwell, sumac, tall nettle, thimble weed, Virginia knotweed, Virginia creeper, virgins bower, water plantain, white vervain, wild blue lettuce, wild burr cucumber, wild grapes, wild parsnip.


It seems the images loaded in reverse order to how I captured them.  Here is our morning in reverse. ;)


Silver maple

small monarch butterfly

bird's foot trefoil

clover, but we were tricked by the leaves of a neighboring plant

yellow jewelweed


bitternut hickory

burr oak

Keying in a tall plant    

Wild Blue Lettuce!

wild burr cucumber

false Solomon's seal

thimble weed

black walnut

black locust

purple loosestrife

burr cucumber flower

hog peanut

hog peanut flowers

plantain / white mans' footprint

virgins bower

male sumac
female sumac

wild parsnip (to the left)

ox tongue

catalpa tree

poison ivy vine growing up tree

chinkapin oak

 blue lubelia

joe-pye weed

white vervain


water plantain

poison ivy



tall nettle

burr cucumber

looking for snakes and other critters

befriending snails

herb robert

American Elm

American Elm




Virginia knotweed

honeysuckle (introduced invasive)

enchanter's nightshade

creeping bellflower


very dry creekbed


double-deck nests