Bluebells for Mother's Day - Mertensia Park

Spring wild flowers have been blossoming throughout the past two months.  The blue bells are pretty much on schedule to most years with a peak bloom of Mother's Day weekend.  Because there is snow in the forecast for Saturday and because our plein air has been cancelled due to covid-19, I stopped by Mertensia Park today to post a laminated guide to plants and quarters sheets with lists of plants that you may be able to find at Mertensia Park.

Here are photos I took in April and again today.
Trout Lily in April
Spring Beauty in April
Dogtooth violet (white trout lily)
You should be able to find the pictorial guide on the post near the dog bag dispenser

garlic mustard
False Solomon's Seal
Spent White dogtooth violet
meadow rue
Bluebells (Mertensia) near Mudd Creek
White  violets
Jack in the Pulpit

Trout Lily
We found trout lily still in bloom on the path heading north along Mudd Creek

Wild Geranium

Periwinkle / Myrtle

Blood Root - past blossoms
Jack in the Pulpit
Visits on Mother's Day and again on May 13th: