Maya Hobday Bench Dedication and FLCC Arboretum Tour

Maya at the Muller Field Station in 2008
Maya's vasculum - once used to collect botanical specimans.
Two dozen friends gathered at the FLCC Arboretum on the sunny Saturday morning of June 7, 2014 to dedicate a bench commemorating Maya Hobday, a devoted Canandaigua Botanical Society member.
Many members were unable to attend the bench dedication
- but now have a place to enjoy a rest year round.
Several can credit Maya as their introduction to the Canandaigua Botanical Society
Jeffery reading plaque inscription
Thomas, one of Maya's youngest recruits, stands by her bench*
Maya's daughter Hilda shared how important the Canandaigua Botanical Society was to Maya - including the impact that being the president had on Maya as a woman from Germany in her "new" community.
Dr. Bruce Gilman spoke of Maya, the Botanical Society's Herbarium (to be seen in November).  Peggy Kane remembered Maya and Lillian Boda in many roles for the Botanical Society and told how they used to call one another after a field trip to share notes of the species each of them recorded.  Lauralee Maas told us about how generous Maya was with her own collection of  species growing in her yard - and still appreciates the gooseneck plants that Maya shared with her. Ron Ouimette shared his love of Maya and her perspective lawn dandelions.

Bruce photographing Hilda, Peter, and Sylvia sitting on the bench.
(Eric was at the Palmyra Atoll)
Members of Maya's family in attendance. 

We completed our memorial bench dedication with Maya’s favorite sugar cookies in celebration of the 90th anniversary of Maya’s birth.  Along with the bench we dedicated the Ginkgo tree to Maya’s husband, Samuel Hobday.  Sam was never much into plants (which he referred to as weeds) but he did enjoy the study of rocks.  Bruce Gilman explained that the Ginkgo Biloba with the leaf notch is a living fossil dating back 10 million years in geologic records.  This particular Gingko is a male as the female Ginkgo trees bear fruits that become very smelly when ripened.  The holes in the bark were made by yellow bellied sap sucker birds.  The holes create sap, attracting insects, which the birds then eat.

Back in 1977 the Arboretum was a goldenrod field.  Bruce gained permission to clear the field with his lawn mower and then sent requests out to friends and colleagues to consider donating trees for the Arboretum.  Thanks to the foresight of Dr. Bruce Gilman, the FLCC community has enjoyed this collection of trees for nearly 40 years.  There is a wooded area to the south of the Arboretum where we have enjoyed botanical walks in the past.  This area is called Purple Woods after Peter Purple.

(please note: I was unable to caption photos underneath for the remainder of this post 
- so notes are above the pictures)

 Eastern White Pine

Tree of Peace in the Seneca Nations, 5 needles in clusters representing 5 tribes.
Makes a tasty tea.  Trees are unisex with male cones low and female high.
Abundant soft wood coveted by the King of England

Weeping Norway Spruce*
Norway Spruce
Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia) is a deciduous conifer
Japanese Yew (smaller tree right of center)
with a Arborvitae (Tree of Life) behind and center
Bald Cypress - cones disperse in water to reproduce
Tamarack / American Larch (hack a ma tack)
- deciduous, bare in January and February
New growth on Colorado Blue Spruce - 4 sided pointed needles
soft flat citrus smelling - white fir concolour
Laura LOVES a concolour for a Christmas tree - could that be SNOW?
Bruce says, "cottonwood"
Black Walnut
 Fringe tree and Sweet Gum (Burr Oak) trees near Serenity Garden
Tulip tree - grows straight and tall
Black gum tupelo

Tri-colored European Beech
copper colored beech - purple comes from sunlight
Peter Hobday shared a German quote about Beech and Oak trees - stating beech trees won't attract lightning and oak trees do attract lightning.

“Vor den Eichen, Sie sollten sich zurückzuziehen,
Vor Tannen, du solltest zu fliehen,
Aber Sie sollten suchen die Buchen " 
Loosely translates to: "Before the oaks you ought to back off, Before firs you ought to flee, But you should seek out the beeches”
Having done a bit of research it seems that oak trees will live longer over water veins and therefore be more of a draw for lightning.*see references at end*
Ohio Buckeye

Butternut - white walnut - sticky white leaves
Oakleaf Mountain Ash
Honey Locust - durable, seedless, thornless
Sunburst Honey Locust across the street
Bruce tells us about the Catalapa Bean Tree
Pin Oak
Black Oak - raised from an acorn (Amy Beth)
White Birch
Sweet Gum
Black Locust, Common Locust
used for field posts, now invasive - multiply by roots and seeds
Hackberry tree (Elm family)
raised bark - fruit tastes like a date
favorite food of passenger pigeons (now extinct)
Thanks to Ron Ouimette for sharing *photos*
* Dowsing Manuel *
* Prairie Folklore *