New York State Parks Plant Material Program tour

Saturday, July 23, 10 am: Tour of the New York State Parks' Plant Materials Program at Sonnenberg Gardens

 Join us on Saturday, July 23rd at 10 am to tour the New York State Parks' Plant Material Program at Sonnenberg Gardens.  We will meet separate from general admission at Sonneberg Gardens. Please park in the large lot by the old admissions entrance. Enter in the new entrance on Gibson Street/Rt 21, take the first exit in the roundabout, go through the new parking lot and then you will reach the old lot. We will meet Colton at the edge of the lot by the white fence and old admissions booth.  If anyone would like to stay to enjoy Arts at the Garden and Sonneberg Gardens and Mansion, you may purchase tickets after our tour.

IF YOU PLAN TO JOIN US DO PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL to so that I can give Colton an idea of our group size. Thanks, Laura Ouimette

What a wonderfully informative tour of the New York State Parks' Plant Materials Program.  Colton Ratey was extremely knowledgeable and engaging as he described the history, mission, and scope of the Plant Materials Program housed at Sonnenberg Gardens greenhouses.  He also peaked our interest to visit Clark Reservation State Park near Syracuse (a property purchased by Mary Clark Thompson in 1915).

Colton gave an introduction in the shade before heading to the greenhouses

Colton shows us a Blanding's Turtle - a focus for expanded habitat efforts

American Hart's Tongue Fern being grown for Clark Reservation State Park


underground passage between greenhouses

Leedy's Roseroot - NYS endangered cliffside wildflower

raised air pruned planting beds to aid in easy transplanting and enclosed to protect from nibblers