Burroughs Audubon Nature Club

I spent a very lovely Saturday morning (May 2, 2020) enjoying a walk around the Burroughs Audubon Nature Club trails.  I even discovered a wildflower new to me!  BANC is a wonderful organization with great programming throughout the year, well worth a membership!  Their website can be found at: bancny.org
The BANC Sanctuary building is currently closed observing Covid -19 guidelines

Bellis perennis - daisy
twin leaf

ceder trees
Myosotis - Forget Me Not
May Apples

Spring Beauties
skunk cabbage
garlic mustard
Lower leaves in front of skunk cabbage may be packera (golden ragweed)
Just learned this one: Early Saxifrange
page 68 in Peterson Field Guide and p 180 in Newcomb's

possible carex pensylvanica grass
I thought this might be wild ginger.  Kim sees Tussilago farfara leaves (colt's foot)
Salix (willow) species
hepatica (no flower seen)
Primula veris (primrose)
Can you see the 2 deer?
meadow rue
dandelion (not coltsfoot)
Veronica persica - Persian Speedwell
Thanks to Kim Burkard for her assistance in identifying species