Spring Wildflowers behind Pal-Mac schools

Eight people as young as seven met at the school parking lot of Pal-Mac on a warm sunny morning to enjoy the wildflowers of the woods behind the track field on May 10, 2014.  We thank Robert and Annette Leopard for introducing us to this beautiful location with a wide variety of species.  Here are some photos of the day...
 (thanks to Bruce Gilman for identifying our "mystery species")
Maureen checks for blossoms of the May Apple.  Also called Custard Apple.  Yellow=edible, green=toxic.
Solomon's seal - False will have flowers at the tip and true Solomon Seal will have flowers along the stem.
Dutchman's breeches past flowering (the stick is not part of the plant)
Guessing this is Raccoon hand print - not deep enough for possum
cutleaf toothwort
bellwort - uvularia perfoliate
Adder's tongue
spice bush
Robert had us scrap the branch of the spice bush to enjoy the fragrance of this native species

inspecting a Jack-in-the-Pulpit
We saw many Jack-in-the-Pulpits throughout our walk

We also saw plenty of poison ivy
Enjoying the trail
Blue Cohosh blossoms
Blue Cohosh
Blue Cohosh covered much of the forest floor while marsh marigold covered the lower wetland

watching a toad
Spring Beauty
claytonia virginica
Closer look at the snail

marsh marigolds
Early Meadow-Rue
We saw several hepatica past bloom, but Annette located this one still in bloom
scarlet elfcup fungus
Elizabeth and Annette enjoying the path
garlic mustard
Red backed salemander
Field garlic (chives)
Robert inspects a fallen tree
taking a closer look
Michael was the only one willing to hold the snake
American Ginger
ginger flower
Lady's Thumb (smart weed)
Gall of the earth
small flowered (kidney-leaved) buttercup
broad leaf toothwort
wild leeks
Wake Robin
Yellow violets
Christmas fern (green through winter)
Soon to be out of the woods from an enjoyable morning with nature

Spring Wildflowers at Palmyra-Macedon with Robert Leopard

      Saturday, May 10, 2014   10:00 AM                
          (carpool from Sly Street lot behind Ontario County Court House at 9:35 am)
Join us as Robert Leopard leads a walk in one of his favorite spring-rich sites behind the Pal-Mac Middle School.  Drive north on Route 21 to Palmyra and take a left onto West Foster Street as you enter Palmyra. Turn right onto Hyde Park and left to park behind the schools near the baseball field but closer to the building.  Look for our Canandaigua Botanical Society signs.