** Planning Meeting: Tuesday, February 25; 1-3 PM at Wood Library **

  Join us in the Ewing Room of Wood Library on Tuesday, February 25th at 1pm to help plan events for our 151st year.  All are welcome.  If you're unable to attend the meetings, please feel free to email ideas to us at canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com.   

Canandaigua Botanical Society planning meeting minutes

Tuesday, February 25, 2025 – Ewing room at Wood 1-3PM

Attending  Francine Bremer, Bill Bross, Helen Ellis, Kim Ferris, Bruce Gilman, Fred Haynes, Peggy Kane, Laura Ouimette, Tim Wilbur

Finances                             FLACE    $ 985                                   Checking     $ 4647.95

Memberships/donations: Kettle Ridge Farm - $1000    additional donations = $775

Recent expenditures: FLACE- $1000 Herbarium; $473 Quick Print Vasculum issues; $70 Mobile Graphics tree posters          CHECKING - $150 Mertensia Lodge; $100 Noreen Riordan for Home Sweet Sanctuary; $100 OCHS membership;


Bruce received the $1000 donation through the FLCC Foundation.  He spent about $750 to purchase 1000 herbarium sheets and 3 specialized boxes for expanding the moss collection


We have ten printed set copies from 2024 and plans to print 10 copies each quarter with funds from FLACE (~ $12 per issue; $120 per quarter).  2024 issues have been delivered to OCHS, Wood Library, Victor Farmington Library, Gorham Library, FLCC library, and FL Herbarium.  Laura will meet with Sarah Jacoby Murphy at Cumming Nature Center to see how Vasculum issues would be displayed/shared/stored.  Naples, Clifton Springs, and Palmyra libraries might be appropriate locations for remaining “subscriptions”.  Laura will look to other printer options to see if a better cost can be found for printing future Vasculum issues.  Future issues will be hand delivered and past issues could be collected if the libraries wish to discard them after a year or two in circulation. 

Laura and Fred received an email from Rosemarie Parker of Finger Lakes Native Plant Society (FLNPS) that the New York Botanical Gardens would be interested in Vasculum issues.  Laura sent an email to Marianne Block at NYBG but it was returned as undelivered.

Fred is working to complete the Spring 2025 issue this week.  We’d like to include mention of the dissecting microscope from Nan Seyfried and Kettle Ridge donation


Laura shared that Barb Manchee often submits our events to the Genesee Valley Penny Saver.  Wolf Gull and Muller Field Station Paddle had most attendees from seeing these events in the Penny Saver.  Laura will advise Barb to include (lesser celandine dig) or exclude (Zurich Bog) submitting events depending on ideal participation numbers.

Peggy Kane inquired about CBS supporting the planting of native species under/around solar panels in our community.  She mentioned that Doug Merrill initiated this process last year.  We asked her to keep us posted on Doug’s success and possibly take pictures and submit an article in future Vasculum issues. 

We have 10 heavy duty waterproof Sesquicentennial Tree posters.  Laura will post one at the Lagoon Park kiosk.  Other possible locations might include: Amanda’s Garden, Butterfly Effect, Muller Field Station, kiosks at Victor Trails?

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 20 from 1-3 PM in the Ewing Room at Wood Library.


-Wednesday, February 12; 6 PM at Wood Library: Home Sweet Sanctuary with Noreen Riordan

-Saturday, February 22, 1-3 PM: Winter Walk at Gosnell Big Woods in Webster

-Tuesday, February 25, 1-3 PM: Planning meeting at Wood Library

March 22-23 and 29-30: Maple Weekends

Tuesday, March 25: 12:45-1:45 PM Dr. Stephen Tulowiecki (SUNY-Geneseo) at FLCC: Oak Forest talk

Thursday, March 27: 2 PM: Lesser Celandine dig at Mertensia Park

Saturday, April 5 at 10 AM: Spring Ephemeral walk at Domine Trail in Fishers, NY

Thursday, April 24 at 7 PM at Wood Library: Canandaigua Tree Advisory Board presentations on Urban Forest

Friday, April 25 at 1 PM: City of Canandaigua Arbor Day tree planting at Kershaw Park

Friday, May 2 at Mertensia Park: Bluebell/Mertensia walks, potluck dinner and annual meeting – see flyer

Monday, May 19 at 10 AM: Population census for American Columbo at FLCC East Hill Campus

Tuesday, May 20 1-3 pm: Planning meeting at Wood Library

Saturday, May 31 at 10 AM: Zurich Bog walk – registration required

Saturday, June 7 at 10 AM: National Trails Day Ontario Pathways – west from Stanley parking lot

Friday, June 27: Orchid talk and potluck at Burroughs Audubon Nature Club

OCHS is doing the garden tour on July 12 from 10:30-3:00. We’ve been invited to do a small event in the week before. Laura will offer to do a presentation about the history of the CBS at the OCHS

 Looking forward:

Walton Point –Lucy and Phil Sheils – July 2025

Highland Park Arboretum with Monica Beck and Paul Brock??

Rob’s Trail Nature Conservancy trail off 15A - Canadice

Wolf Gull revisit

Lagoon Park

Canandaigua Vista NP

Ontario Pathways Wheat Road – Flint Creek loop trail

Trolley Trail between School Street and Victor Municipal Park (elevated, late summer horsetails)

Harriet Hollister Spencer State Recreation area: late summer/mid-week

Bare Hill Unique Area – late Summer for meadow fungi - Jason Garman??

Mendon Ponds – Devil’s Bathtub

Muller Field Station – Lingering Ash with Cody Wilkes

?? White Brook Nature Preserve, Perinton; Kashong Conservation Area; Hickory Ridge Preserve ??