Spring walk with Victor Hiking Trails

 On a sunny Sunday, April 24th a group of two dozen folks met behind the Fishers Fire Station to hike a bit of the Auburn Trail to the Domine trail.  We then crossed over Wagnum Road and wandered through parts of Fishers Park.  Here's some of what we saw:

wild leeks / ramps


Blue Cohosh

May Apple and Blue Cohosh

Spring Beauty

psathyrella species




Trout Lily

cup fungi

Wake Robin Trilium

Herb Robert ???

Trout Lily

White Trilium

purple/red dead nettle

Please let us know...

closer view of unknown

English ground daisies

meadow rue

colts foot (flowers before the leaves emerge)


Angelica and skunk cabbage
cutleaf toothwort
cutleaf toothwort

wild geranium leaves?

Vernal pool


colts foot

Map of Fishers Park