Saturday, June 9, 2018
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Mendon Ponds Park Beach Area on Douglas Road
Short botanical walk at 10 AM and CBS booth all day

We have been invited to participate in the 21st annual Genesee Valley Chapter Adirondack Mountain Club Outdoor Expo organized to enhance our enjoyment for outdoor recreation.  Over 60 activities will be available at no cost.  For more in formation you can go to:

We'll have a booth set up to inform people about our Canandaigua Botanical Society as well as a guided botanical walk beginning at 10 AM.  Please let us know if you'd like to help at the canopy or guide the walk. (
pale swallow wort
may apples

a deer siting should always remind us to look for ticks that may hitch a ride home from the outdoors
 Great day at the ADK Outdoor EXPO today.  On our morning plant identification walk we found pale swallow wort, horsetail, garlic mustard, fleabane, multifloral rose, shagbark hickory, London Plane, forget me nots, wild grapevines, poison ivy, may apples, skunk cabbage, daisies, ferns, milkweed, cleavers, a large snake, and more.

And a mystery plant:
Thanks to our botanical sleuths, we determined this is a plant from the primrose family: primula veris; cowslip. In the Peterson Field Guide it may be seen on page 265 as a Bird's Eye Primrose.