Annual Potluck Dinner and Presentation

Annual Potluck dinner 
and Frozen Lake presentation

   Friday, April 17, 2015   6:00 PM        

Meet at Saint John’s Episcopal Church, 183 North Main Street, Canandaigua (enter through St. John’s Court off Howell Street).  

Bring a dish to pass and place setting for yourself and any friends you invite along.   
At 7 pm Steve Lewandowski will share his insights about Canandaigua Lake Frozen in History. 
Bring cash or check ($7 individual and $10 family) to pay your annual dues and receive the 2015-16 Canandaigua Botanical Society printed program. 

2015-2016 Canandaigua Botanical Society Events

Plein Air ~ Bluebells for Mother’s Day

Ontario Pathways Photo Walk

The New FLCC Viticulture Center in Geneva, NY

Woodland Gardens of Lou Bliss

Ganondagan Medicinal Plants

Grimes Glen, Naples, NY

Lagoon Park Kiosk Dedication

Unique Autumn Gardens of Michael Hannen,

Wild Wings at Mendon Ponds Park

Honeybee Apiary – indoor meeting

Mushrooms – indoor meeting

Canandaigua City Arbor Day tree planting

Potluck dinner, Annual meeting,
and  Botany 101 Presentation