Birds and Bees talk

I saw this in the January 8, 2010 issue of The Dialy Messenger and thought it might interest some of the Botanical Society members. - Laura

Talk on birds and the bees

An educational seminar about bluebirds and beekeeping will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 30, in the Carriage House meeting room at Sonnenberg Gardens and Mansion State Historic Park, 151 Charlotte St. The morning session, “Bees in Peril,” will feature local beekeepers Richard Reidman and Sam Hall, who will display and discuss the equipment and tools of the trade as well as its interesting history.

The afternoon session, “Bluebirds of Happiness,” will feature John Rogers, co-founder of the NYS Bluebird Society. He will discuss the bluebird’s nesting cycles, migration, habitat and feeding needs, insect food sources, and the problems and predators it faces.

Reservations are $10 per person, $8 for Sonnenberg members, and includes hot soup and a beverage at lunch (bring a sandwich, if desired).

For more information or reservations, call (585) 394-4922.