Check out our Sesquicentennial Program

Check out our Sesquicentennial Program
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Canandaigua Botanical Society's Newsletter: The Vasculum

 INTRODUCING: The Vasculum!

What a way to kick off our Sesquicentennial...

Beginning in 2024 Fred Haynes offered to edit a Canandaigua Botanical Society newsletter.  The Vasculum is planned to be a quarterly newsletter distributed digitally.  We plan to publish it here on our weblog and members will also receive it as a pdf file via email. 

Fred would love to receive input for future issues from any member who would like to contribute either a full article, a short text item, or simply an image or two.  The success of any club newsletter is in the diversity of its content and that is best accomplished with multiple contributors.

 The current "Fall 2024" issue is

now available here!


You are encouraged to submit material to 

Future submissions should be to Fred by Feb. 15.  

Be sure to take a guess at our mystery plant!

Here is a chronological listing of archived issues:

                       Winter 2024; Volume 1, Number 1          

                       Spring 2024: Volume 1, Number 2        

                       Summer 2024: Volume 1, Number 3

                        Fall 2024: Volume 1, Number 4

Membership Donations


The Canandaigua Botanical Society remains dedicated to advancing knowledge and enjoyment of plants found in the Finger Lakes Region and beyond. 

Renew or become a Canandaigua Botanical Society member: 

Benefits including:

Membership emails

Our Vasculum newsletters

Field trips and indoor presentations 

       (some for members only)

Learning about regional plants

Supporting the Finger Lakes Herbarium, 

         NYS FLORA Atlas and 

         local conservation projects

Enjoying the outdoors

Meeting people with similar interests

Payments of $10 per individual or $15 per family can be made in three ways:

1.     By check to Canandaigua Botanical Society (send to our treasurer: Bill Bross, 31 Alpine Way, Victor, NY 14564)

2.     By cash or check at Canandaigua Botanical Society events

3.     Through the Canandaigua Botanical Society FLACE account at Canandaigua National Bank

You can expect an email receipt when funds are received and we update our membership list. 

We look forward to seeing you in our 151st year!


Planning meeting for our 151st Year!

 Thursday, November 14, 2024 

from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM 

in the Ewing Room of Wood Library.

All are invited to plan events for our 151st year in 2025.  Bring your ideas and offer to lead a walk.  We will also vote to help fund the Finger Lakes Herbarium.

If you are unable to attend but have suggestions please send them to so we can include them on the agenda. 

The Finger Lakes Herbarium tour with Dr. Bruce Gilman

 Join us on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 10 AM when we tour the Finger Lakes Herbarium at FLCC with curator, Dr. Bruce Gilman.

We will meet at the main FLCC campus building in Canandaigua.  There will be signs from the main entrance leading you upstairs and around to room 2640 in the Seneca wing.  You may also enter from the loading dock off Laker Lane.  Everyone should park in the general parking lot A. 

We had 16 members attned the Finger Lakes Herbarium tour on Saturday, November 2.