Due to forecast of snow we are postponing until a later date. Please join us on Wednesday, April 21 at 10 AM TBA for an informational walk around Lagoon Park on Lakeshore Drive in Canandaigua.  Learn about efforts to restore native plants and habitats while trying to reduce invasive buckthorn. 


News from earlier this year:Canandaigua Botanical Society supported Jim Engel and the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council in getting another exception to the Canandaigua City Council's 5 year moratorium of herbicide use on city property.  This will allow continued Lagoon Park restorations (17 links in Index to Past Postings/left column).  Jim Engel will again cut invasive buckthorn  and "paint" the buckthorn stumps with Rodeo.  We currently have $1600 to support continued restoration efforts with hopes of planting more native plants to assist in a healthier ecosystem.  We are encouraging additional donations towards this current restoration project.  If you would like to donate, please email Canandiguabotanical@gmail.com and we'll provide the address of our treasurer, Bill Bross. 

Looking for trails to discover?

 Are you finding you have some time to enjoy the great outdoors but there’s not a Botanical event scheduled?  Here are several locations and organizations of botanical interest.  Looking for company?  Connect with fellow Canandaigua Botanical Society members to see what species you might discover together!  Be sure to revisit your favorite trails during different seasons to enjoy various plants.

Click on underlined titles for more information!

Amanda’s Garden Ellen Folts is taking online orders for native perennials (shipping or pick up)

Bergen Swamp Preservation Society: Bergen Swamp, Zurich Bog, Taylor Marsh, Hotchkiss Preserve

Burroughs Audubon Nature Club: Railroad Mills Rd. Pittsford and Slater Property near Dansville - consider a membership!
Channing H. Philbrick Park: Penfield - includes waterfalls 

Crescent Trail: Perinton

Cummings Nature Center: 6472 Gulick Road, Naples - outdoor trails are open

Eaton Birding Society:Birding in Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties of NY

Finger Lakes Community College: Arboretum, trails, and events, Muller Field Station

Finger Lakes Land Trust: Grimes Glen, Great Hill Nature Preserve, Carolabarb Park, Wesley Hill Nature Preserve, Canandaigua Vista Nature Preserve, events 

Ganondagan: marked trails, self guided tree tour & medicinal walk 
Garrett Chapel: Nestled between the northern forks of Keuka Lake
Harris Whalen Park: Penfield - Great spring ephemeral spot. 
Huckleberry Bog: 5 miles on the Finger Lakes Trail with a big hill but well worth the adventure.  

Keuka Outlet Trail: PennYan to Dresden

Lagoon Park Wildlife Preserve: Lakeshore Drive Canandaigua
Manchester Gateway Trail: handicap accessible - park behind fire house on Clifton Street  

Mertensia Park: Mertensia Road, Farmington  BLUEBELLS the first week of May!

Mendon Ponds Park: Monroe County (Devil's Bathtub)
Miller Park: 3240 NY Route 21 South, Canandaigua

Onanda Park: West Lake Road, Canandaigua (also Town of Canandaigua Trails master plan)

Ontario County Park: 6475 Gannett Hill Park Dr. Naples, NY 14512

Ontario Pathways: Have you seen the Pooh inspired signs there?
Powder Mills Park: Many trails and a Fish Hatchery

RochesterArea Mycological Association: Rochester mushroom club
Seneca Trail : 14 miles great variety from Crescent Trail in Perinton to Boughton Park in Victor

Sonnenberg Gardens: 250 Gibson Street, Canandaigua - also on facebook!

Seneca Meadows Wetland Preserve: trails to our east

Victor Town Parks: Dryer Road, Fishers, Harlan Fisher, Lehigh Crossing, MaryFrances Bluebird Haven, Domine trails in Fishers, Also Auburn Trail and Lehigh Valley Trails 
Webster Arboretum: Kent Park, Webster

Gypsy Moth Scrape-A-Thons

 The Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association is hosting three Scrap-A-Thons to help decrease the gypsy moth infestation in the Finger Lakes.

When our beautiful lake and watershed are bombarded by multiple threats, many of you ask, “but what CAN I do?” CLWA has a volunteer opportunity to get some fresh air, learn about the relationship between healthy trees and clean water, and physically remove egg masses of the invasive European gypsy moth before they hatch later this spring!

Choose one, two, or all three events to attend.  We will identify and remove gypsy moth egg masses at this family-friendly events held at different parks around the lake with noted infestations. One egg mass can contain 600 to 1,000 eggs, so destroying as many as possible will help in the effort to reduce the spring hatch.

CLWA will provide a short training and materials needed; you provide the interest, personal face masks, and gloves. We will maintain a physically safe distance from each other, wear masks, and enjoy making a dent in the gypsy moth population in an environmentally safe manner.

Volunteer for CLWA’s Gypsy Moth Scout & Scrape-a-thon scheduled for Saturday, April 17 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m at Bare Hill Unique Area.


Volunteer for CLWA’s Gypsy Moth Scout & Scrape-a-thon scheduled for Friday, April 23rd  from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m at Ontario County Park. 


Volunteer for CLWA’s Gypsy Moth Scout & Scrape-a-thon scheduled for Saturday May 1st  from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m at Stid Hill Wildlife Management Area.
