Boughton Park

Took a quick walk between the ponds at Boughton Park before the heat of the day.  Saw the giant Jack in the Pulpit. *Note: find a Victor resident to visit Boughton Park *

early jewel weed

poison ivy and Virginia Creeper

wild geranium

shagbark hickory


Jack in the Pulpits

wild strawberry


oak saplings

sweet-scented bedstraw

Manchester Gateway Trail

Perfect for walkers, wheelchairs, strollers, and bikes.  Manchester Gateway trail is a 2.3 mile rail to trail path along Flint Creek from Route 96 to Water Street in Shortsville.  We walked from the Village Hall/Fire Station to Water Street and back.

There's a parking area at the north end and a park at the south end
Lots of informative signs

stone wall behind Village Hall

Stairs from municipal parking on Main Street just south of Clifton Street

interesting fungus on tree


nice field of leucojum (summer snowflake) on south east end of trail

invasive garlic mustard

Need a better lens for birding :)

False Solomon Seal

Jewelweed just starting out