Check out our Sesquicentennial Program

Check out our Sesquicentennial Program
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Skunk Cabbage Blooming now!

Symplocarpus foetidus, commonly known as skunk cabbage or eastern skunk cabbage (also swamp cabbage, clumpfoot cabbage, or meadow cabbage, foetid pothos or polecat weed), is a low growing, foul-smelling plant that grows in wetlands of eastern North America.  It is now blooming at the FLCC trail to the west of CMAC.  Most blooms can be seen along the boardwalk through the woods.

Annual Potluck Dinner and Botany 101 Presentation

Friday, April 22, 2016  6:00 PM
Saint John’s Episcopal Church, 183 N Main St.

Meet at Saint John’s Episcopal Church,
183 North Main Street, Canandaigua 
(enter through St. John’s Court off Howell Street).   
Bring a dish to pass and place setting for yourself and any friends you invite along.  Dinner begins at 6 pm. 
At 7 pm Bruce Gilman will teach us the basics of botany that we may be better prepared to identify species.
Bring cash or check to pay your annual dues and receive the 2016-17 Canandaigua Botanical Society program. ($7 individual / $10 family)