Peggy, Laura, and Bill met today to work on the Canandaigua Botanical Society Program for 2012-2013.
Please plan to join us on Friday evening, April 20th for our annual potluck dinner and presentation when we will hand out the new programs.
On Friday, April 27th the City of Canandaigua will be planting a tree in memory of Maya Hobday at Sonnenberg Park for Arbor Day.
Due to the summer like weather this spring, we are anticipating that the bluebells will all be gone by our usual annual Bluebell Walk in early May. PLEASE send an Email to us at canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com
if you have any public places you think others might be interested in seeing "early" spring blooms. I can notify others by posting locations here on the WeBlog and/or I can send Email messages to Botanical members. There are several new Botanical members from outside the area - so even locations which are well known would be appreciated.

Can you identify these flowers under Maya's Magnolia tree?
????? and bloodroot
Canandaigua Botanical Society’s Indoor Meeting at FLCC room C-220
Saturday, March 24, 2012 10 am
Come learn about Horticulture Therapy (HT), the practice of using horticulture as therapy to improve human well-being. Horticulture therapy is not only a rapidly emerging profession; the therapeutic benefits of peaceful garden environments have been understood since ancient times. Today HT is recognized as a practical and viable treatment with wide ranging benefits for people in therapeutic, vocational, and wellness programs.
Presenter Beverly Brown is a registered Horticultural Therapist with her own practice. She is an Associate Professor at Nazareth College and has developed a newly offered Horticulture Therapy minor there. Beverly will also talk about Herb Haven.
Finding FLCC, Room C220

The Canandaigua Botanical Society generally holds indoor meetings at Finger Lakes Community College - Room C 220. During this time of construction on the FLCC campus it has been difficult to get to Room C 220 (even those who know where it is located) .
Room C 220 is located in building 8 on the map above. It is easiest to get to Room C220 by entering from loading dock entrance C on the map. You can park in the southeast corner of lot A and walk up Laker Lane to get to the building. If construction allows, parking may also be available closer to the building in loading dock C.
How to find C 220 as of March 14th:
** Turn onto Marvin Sands Drive and take the second left onto Laker Lane.
** Follow Laker Lane around to the first stop sign. (Take a right at the stop sign into the parking lot and proceed by foot…)
** Continue along Laker Lane to the second Emergency blue light east of building C (look for Canandaigua Botanical Society sign).
** The entrance to building C is on the left closest to Laker Lane.
** Room C 220 will be inside, straight ahead, and to the left.