Beverly Brown shared a wonderful presentation about Horticulture Therapy this morning. I am hoping to have minutes posted here within the next few days.

Peggy, Laura, and Bill met today to work on the Canandaigua Botanical Society Program for 2012-2013.

Please plan to join us on Friday evening, April 20th for our annual potluck dinner and presentation when we will hand out the new programs.

On Friday, April 27th the City of Canandaigua will be planting a tree in memory of Maya Hobday at Sonnenberg Park for Arbor Day.

Due to the summer like weather this spring, we are anticipating that the bluebells will all be gone by our usual annual Bluebell Walk in early May. PLEASE send an Email to us at
if you have any public places you think others might be interested in seeing "early" spring blooms. I can notify others by posting locations here on the WeBlog and/or I can send Email messages to Botanical members. There are several new Botanical members from outside the area - so even locations which are well known would be appreciated.

Can you identify these flowers under Maya's Magnolia tree?
????? and bloodroot