The Canandaigua Botanical Society generally holds indoor meetings at Finger Lakes Community College - Room C 220. During this time of construction on the FLCC campus it has been difficult to get to Room C 220 (even those who know where it is located) .
Room C 220 is located in building 8 on the map above. It is easiest to get to Room C220 by entering from loading dock entrance C on the map. You can park in the southeast corner of lot A and walk up Laker Lane to get to the building. If construction allows, parking may also be available closer to the building in loading dock C.
How to find C 220 as of March 14th:
** Turn onto Marvin Sands Drive and take the second left onto Laker Lane.
** Follow Laker Lane around to the first stop sign. (Take a right at the stop sign into the parking lot and proceed by foot…)
** Continue along Laker Lane to the second Emergency blue light east of building C (look for Canandaigua Botanical Society sign).
** The entrance to building C is on the left closest to Laker Lane.
** Room C 220 will be inside, straight ahead, and to the left.