Spring Ephemeral walks - April 15, 2024

 I (Laura) took a stroll through Mertensia Park, Fishers Park and along Domine Trail on a sunny Monday afternoon (April 15, 2024).  Here's what I saw:  

Lots of WHITE trout lilies!

as well as yellow trout lilies

cut leaf tooth wort

early meadow rue around trout lilies

only three patches of lesser celandine.  Great work to our dig crew!

this would have been lesser celandine if we didn't dig in March

trout lily with mertensia leaves

These will be blooming soon enough

getting ready for Mother's Day?

Now onto Fishers Park:

English daisies

Marsh Marigolds



skunk cabbage

ramps (wild leeks) seen at Fishers Park and Domine

millipede (or lunch?)

 And then a wander through the Domine Trail:

more trout lilies - just yellow

red trillium

bloodroot and spring beauty

early blue cohosh

blue cohosh and early blue cohosh

cutleaf toothwort, early blue cohosh, bloodroot, trout lily leaves

more blue cohosh and early blue cohosh


early meadow rue

cutleaf toothwort


spring beauties

white trillium

Please share what you're seeing to canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com - I'm happy to add them here.