Spring Wildflowers along Ontario Pathways

Spring Wildflowers along Ontario Pathways

Saturday, April 20, 2024; 10 AM

We will meet at the water tower in Orleans between routes 488 and 23 at 10 AM on Saturday, April 20th to discover spring ephemeral plants along the Ontario Pathways trail heading south.  Bruce Gilman is unable to join us (he has a conference in Albany) but we will be certain to have an abundance of knowledgeable  leaders among us.

What a lovely morning to enjoy a walk along the Ontario Pathways to the Train Wreck Loop.  We had a dozen people to delight in the sights.  Several members of Ontario Pathways joined us.  Learn more about Ontario Pathways here and consider a membership to help keep OP so well maintained.

Early Meadow Rue

Service Berry / Shadbush

purple dead nettle?

Spice bush

Young Solomon Seal

service berry

Mullein / Lambs ear

cherry blossoms

Ramps / Wild Leek with last year's bloom


wild Geranium

blood root

Angelica near Flint Creek

Flint creek looking north


greater celandine


LOTS of yellow trout lilies

Young Norway maple

cleavers in back / aster in front?

herb robert?

last year's turkey tail

Several birders were with us today!

cut leaf toothwort

golden alexandra

Blood root growing on dead tree root

equisetum / horsetail

old train wreckage

path along flint creek

last year's thimble weed / Anemone virginiana

carpets of trout lily

young may apples


kidney leaf buttercup

wild basil

ditch lilies

garlic mustard

looking off the main trail towards Flint Creek

returning from train wreck loop onto OP trail

wild chives?

Almost forgot the woodfrog!