Clark Gully - Saturday, April 13, 2024


with Emily Debolt and Bruce Gilman on Saturday, April 13, 2024.  

Meet us at 10am in the small DEC parking lot at the intersection of West Avenue and Sunnyside Road (between Middlesex and Naples - this is the lower parking lot!)  We will walk along the north side of the stream at first, then cross over to the south side and proceed to the waterfall.  There is a trail at the beginning, then it is hopping rocks and/or walking in the stream. At the conclusion of the walk we hope to also do a short walk to the Finger Lakes Trust overlook kiosk of the southern Middlesex Valley and observe and appreciate their conservation activities. 

If you prefer to carpool from Canandaigua, please send an email to and we will plan to meet at Sly Street at 9 AM. 

If you are traveling south from Canandaigua on 364, stay straight onto West Ave at Middlesex.  Sunnyside Road will be at the end of West Ave.  Parking area will be a left turn off West Ave near the intersection.

 Eight hardy members met on a wet and 37' chilly morning to investigate Clark Gully.

Taking a closer look at the Black Oak buds
Black oak tree with oriental bittersweet growing on it
staghorn sumac
smooth sumac
herb robert

coltsfoot in the stream bed

bittercress under a large stone


mullein and ?

Emily points out purple flower raspberry

Early meadow rue - male

early meadow rue

oat grass

red elderberry

witch hazel

dog lichen

broad leaved toothwort

Pennsylvania sedge

wild geranium

Marginal wood fern

"living on the edge"

crowded parchment

results of Emerald Ash Borer

cottonwood catkins

pussy toes

round leaved hepatica

small hemlock on edge of the ledge

Our Plantman bringing sample up for closer look

broadleaf sedge

autumn olive (introduced)

There's WALKING FERN up there

White blossoms of  Serviceberry / Shadbush

Fred climbs for photo ops

Freed and Chelsea

White Trillium (bit too chilly to open)

Very young jewelweed / touch-me-not / Impatiens capensis

serviceberry / shadbush

After our adventure in Clark Gully we took a walk across Sunnyside (in the wind and rain) to check out West River Preserve....

It's always good to end a walk with more (not less) people than you began with
Several patches of Dutchman's Breeches gave us a grand finale