Saturday, August 10, 2019; 10 AM
Boughton Road, Victor, NY 14564
Boughton Park is open to Victor residents and by permit only to non-Victor residents. Our thanks to Francine Bremer for initiating an invitation to enjoy a day at Boughton Park with Shawn Habecker as our guide. The park is a neat conglomerate of many different types of plants and niche areas including a test site for some newly engineered chestnut trees that Shawn can tell us about. Parking in the summer gets tight so we ask that as many people carpool together as possible. PLEASE CONTACT LAURA AT canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com TO REGISTER BY JULY 20 IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND so we can arrange for temporary passes for the day.
Directions: Travel north on Main Street, Canandaigua. Turn left onto North St. and continue onto N Bloomfield Rd. Turn right onto Brace Rd. Turn left onto Rice Rd.
Continue onto Boughton Rd 2 miles past route 444. Parking is on the right off Boughton Road.
August 10, 2019: In which many of us saw the LARGEST Jack-in-the-Pulpit we've ever seen and walked a 3 mile loop around the run off fed pond. Pictures coming in the next weeks.