Butterfly Gardens and Monarch Waystations
Sorry, this event has been cancelled.
Wednesday, August 14, 10:00 AM
BANC Field Trip to 150 Smith Road, Mendon
Lea Walsh will give a tour of her
butterfly garden, talking through which flowers are best to plant and why. She
will also talk about how she became part of the Monarch Waystation network and
what was involved in that process. She will show you her crop for the year of caterpillars
and chrysalises. If you are lucky enough to see a new monarch emerge, she will show
you how to identify male from female and how to safely allow them to begin
their migration. Should you want to gather caterpillars of your own to raise
and protect, you can take a walk through the fields and examine the milkweed
scattered throughout. This event is open to Burroughs Audubon Nature Club and Canandaigua Botanical Society members. Please contact Laura at canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com to obtain a membership.