WOLF GULL; Saturday, September 7, 2024

 WOLF GULL with Dr. Bruce Gilman

Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 10 AM 

Yes, we've had lots of rain overnight.  Yes, we will still meet at Wolf Gull.  Current forecast shows rain stopping at 10 AM.  Bruce will determine if it is safe enough to walk Wolf Gull.  There are great eateries in Naples to enjoy instead of or after Wolf Gull to make the trip worthwhile. 

There's no such thing as poor weather - just poor dressing.

Wolf Gull near Naples, NY is a narrow valley surrounded by two steep hills, the creeks flow in two different directions.  It's a protective environment with a variety of plant and aquatic life.  We will meet at the mowed roadside along the Garlinghouse Road just west of the intersection with the Garlinghouse-Atlanta Road. 

Eleven of us met as the sky cleared and the sun appeared.  We traversed some wet spots but it was well worth the adventure for all we saw.

Bruce gave us an overview of the Wolf Gull property running north south rather than the ravines and gullies which have an east west orientation involving post glacial tributaries.  In the future this land will be a DEC 104 acre Wolf Gull Wildlife Management Area. This visit we were welcomed as guests.

Bruce shows

Turtle head

Yep, some muddy spots to navigate

orange jelly

Jack (Jill) in the Pulpit

two varieties of Gall of the Earth (side by side)

maidenhair fern

Baneberry / doll's eyes

young red eft

There was more than one way to traverse the path

hepatica laeves

Cutleaf grape fern

Rattlesnake fern


false Solomon Seal