Burroughs Audubon Nature Club invites us along!
Saturday, August 24, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Tree Culture and Restoration Ecology at the Deblase Open Space
Deblase Open Space, Pittsford, New York (Sugarwood Drive Entrance)
Join BANC and the Canandaigua Botanical Society to check out a hidden
piece of protected open land in Pittsford and learn about several
citizen-led efforts to maintain its ability to support diverse wildlife
with trees. Learn how to mimic nature to help restore New York's
forests, one tree at a time. We'll cover how best to plant, grow, and
protect trees for their health and ours, including lessons learned.
Along the way we’ll stop to appreciate the many native wildflowers and
trees that line the Irondequoit Creek and call Deblase their home. Walk
and talk led by BANC members Jane McConnochie and Laurie Konte.
The walk is largely flat with some uneven footing and it will cover
about .75 miles total. Park on the Sugarwood Drive cul de sac (to find
it you can set your GPS to 10 Sugarbush Lane, Pittsford – the trail
entrance is on the right of that house when facing it). We will meet at
the trail entrance marker.
Pictures from the walk...more captions to follow.
Entrance to Deblace Open Space on Sugarwood Drive
Loads of healthy poison ivy vines with berries
Jane McConnochie and Laurie Konte. |
Virginia knot weed - jumpseed
toad |
milkweed tussock caterpillar
hog peanut vine
sycamore tree transplanted from volunteer growing too close to the house
iris looking leaves
crown vetch
wood nettle
snakeweed |
centaury |
wild cucumber
fenced trees to protect from deer damage
Autumn Olive berries
white pine sapling
blue lobelia
willow herb
forget me not
spotted monarda - beebalm
silver spotted skipper on joe pye weed
boneset |