We are fortunate to have a knowledgeable team of Anthony Robarge (Ontario County Parks), Kate Riley (Finger Lakes Land Trust), and Alaina Robarge (Ontario County Soil and Water Conservation District educator), to lead us on a walk up the gorge to the first waterfall. Footwear that you don't mind getting wet, bug repellent and a hiking pole may be appreciated. Prepare yourself to learn about more than just plants.
Grimes Glen History:
Grimes Glen is typical of many Finger Lakes gorges that still carry runoff from the uplands down into the ice-carved valleys below. In 1882, a local resident discovered a tree fossil more than 350 million years old – a Devonian era ancestor of modern club mosses similar to those found throughout the region’s forests today. The incomplete fossil may be seen at the New York State Museum in Albany.
In 2008, the Land Trust purchased 32 acres within this spectacular gorge from Naples native Don Braun. Grimes Glen had a long history of public access under Braun’s stewardship. Shortly after the purchase, FLLT transferred title to Ontario County, who manages the land as a public park, subject to a conservation easement held by FLLT.
Grimes Glen is on the south side of Naples. Turn right off Main Street Naples onto Vine Street. Grimes Glen will be at the end of Vine Street.
Species list by Estella:
Apples, Ash along riparian corridors (the area that encompasses a river or stream and the land adjacent to it) are dying, Big Bluestem, Black raspberry, Black Walnut, Blue vervain, Boneset, Box elder, Bromus inermis (grass), Bull thistle, Burdock, Canada Goldenrod, Canada thistle, Chicory, Cottonwood, Curly dock, Dogbane, Early goldenrod, European butternut, Fleabane, Giant goldenrod, Grassleaf goldenrod, Grey dogwood, Hawkweed, Heliopsis (woodland sunflower), Hickory (bitternut), Indian grass, Joe pye weed, Jumpseed, Kestrels, Merlins, Milkweed, Monarch, Mullein, Multiflora rose, Nanny berry viburnum, Native sunflower, Nightshade, Pale swallowwort, Purple stemmed aster, Raspberry, Sensitive fern, Spicebush swallowtail, Spotted knapweed, Swamp lousewort, Teasel, Toadflax, Touch me nots, Vetch, Virginia creeper, Virginia stickseed, White avens, White vervain, White walnut, Wild bergamot, Wild carrot, Wild rye,