Saturday, July 13, 2024 beginning at 2 PM
BENTLEY WOODS with Dr. Bruce Gilman
Bentley Woods is a Nature
Conservancy property that Canandaigua Botanical Society has been visiting since the 1970s. This 21 acre old growth forest is landlocked
by residential properties. Bruce Gilman
will lead us to Bentley Woods via a neighboring property owner.
Directions: Head north from Canandaigua to Route 96. Turn south onto Main Street Fishers and
travel just over 1 mile. Turn right onto
Log Cabin Road. We will park along the road past the thruway overpass and before Benson Road
to access Bentley Woods.
This is a forest walk where a hiking pole may be appreciated.
July 14, 2024: It was a warm and sunny afternoon when 18 people met to walk through Bentley Woods with our favorite Plant Man. The cool of the persistent old growth forest did well to keep us cooler than the 85' temperature. Bentley Woods has no established trails. The rolling hills and ridges make one appreciate bringing along a hiking pole or two. Footwear that you don't mind getting wet is useful for the lower areas.

Bruce introduced us to Bentley Woods before we got to the sign. We walked along an old trolley trail (which is also a driveway to a private residence) straight in from the road to get to Bentley Woods. |
Bentley Woods sign seen at the edge of the trolley trail
The path to the right
Bruce led us to the left | |
Christmas fern and Marginal wood fern
Bruce at the base of a white pine tree
looking up at same tree
maiden hair fern
yellow birch with raised root system |
young cinnamon fern
witch hazel tree
nipplewort |
herb robert
evidence of lightning strike
Lots of fungi! (and a millipede)
ghost pipe (we saw lots of these!)
two chimneys remain from the old log cabin
Jim shows Hemlock woolly adelgid |
coming down from the ridge from the north to our starting point
Northern pearly eyeds
heptford pink
tiny mullein
Thanks to Karen for keeping a list of species: Ash tree, Atricum moss, Bane berry, Beech tree, Bittersweet nightshade,
Christmas fern, Cinnamon fern, Clearweed, Enchanter’s nightshade, Garlic mustard,
Ghost pipes, Golden saxifrage, Hemlock, Heptford Pink, Herb Robert geranium, Hickory
pignut, Interrupted fern, Jewelweed/impatiens/ touch me not, Lady fern, Liverwort,
Lopseed, Maiden hair fern, Marginal wood fern, Mullein, New York fern, Nipplewort, Oak
tree, Peat moss, Pennsylvania sedge, Phragmites, Poison ivy, Poison sumac, Skunk
cabbage, Spice bush, Sugar maple, Turkey tail fungus, White pine, White snake
root, Witch hazel, Wood fern, Yellow birch,