Saturday, September 14, 2019; 10:00 AM
Mendon Ponds Park, Mendon, NY

Join us on our adventure to a very rare meromictic (layers of water that do not mix) lake, “Devil’s Bathtub”, which has very deep water surrounded by unusually high ridges. Laura Ouimette will lead us on this .67 mile walk with one steep climb, stairs, and boardwalk sections. We should be able to identify sassafras, red maple, and oak trees along with ferns as we traverse the glacial formations in this area of Mendon Ponds Park.  WALKING STICKS AND BUG SPRAY RECOMMENDED.

Directions: Drive NY 332 N to CR 41 west. Turn right onto 64 and then left onto 251. Take a left onto Pond Road and continue on to Devil’s Bathtub in Mendon Ponds Park.   

We can check on the button bush seen early August on this path. 

Native to NY:  Cephalanthus occidentalis
Buttonbush's fragrant and spherical white flowers are known to attract butterflies, hummingbirds and bees. If you're looking to add this whimsical-looking shrub to your garden, be sure to pick a spot with wet soils and full sun. The "buttons" typically bloom June through September.