THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2004 - 10 AM
Jason Gorman of the Finger Lakes Land Trust will lead us through the Wesley Hill Nature Preserve
Wesley Road is north of the Gulick Road Entrance heading west toward East Lake Road.
There should be an open area to park on the north side of Wesley Road.
Diverse stands of mature forest, a wide array of wildflowers, and sweeping views of the hills surrounding Honeoye Lake’s southern end make this site truly special.

What a wonderful day this turned out for hiking. We had ten people enjoy a rain free, cool, morning even with some sunshine as we walked the yellow and blue trails from the Wesley Road entrance through Wesley Hill Nature Preserve with Jason Gorman and our favorite Plant Man! It was also a great day for birding!
Overlooking the southern end of Honeoye Lake (Harriet Hollister)
Trail entrance is just ahead to the left.
Jason discusses invasive species and attempts to manage them
Autumn Olive branches
Christmas fern
lots of jack-in-the-pulpits
fringed polygala - gaywings |
high heel?
pussy toes
wild geranium
huckleberry blossoms
blueberry blossoms
middle right side - pin cushion moss
Cananda Mayflower
Approaching the John Wenrich Cabin built in 1926
signing the logbook
bird watching/listening
millipede |
Do you see the small pine on the roof to the left of the chimney?
ostrich fern
aspen grove
more bird watching
Jason describes the sturdiness of the black locust bench
dogwood tree along Wesley Road
dogwood bark
Incomplete Species list:
Ash trees, dead; Autumn olive; Black berry; black raspberry;
Black locust; Blueberry; Blueberry; Buttercress; Buttercup; Canada Mayflower;
Cedar tree – cedar apple gall rust; Centipede; Chestnut oak; Cutleaf
bittercress; Enchanters night shade; FERNS: Bracken, Christmas, Lady, New York,
Ostrich, sensitive, intermediate wood fern; Flowering dogwood; Fringed polygala
(gay wings); Granulated sedge; Hawkweed; Hickory; Honeysuckle; Hooked
buttercup; Huckleberry; Jack in the Pulpit; Multiflora rose; Nipple wood; Oldfield
cincfoil; Orange fruited gentian; Orchid; Partridge berry; Pignut hickory;
Pioneering tree; Polygala – gaywing; Quaking aspen; Raspberry; Rattlesnake
weed; Starflower; Striped maple; Trailing arbutus (cow wheat); Tree moss;
Veronica; White oak; Also: turkey, deer, chipmunks, towhee, common yellowthroat, black squirrel,
blue winged warbler, great crested flycatcher;