Laura Ouimette took a stroll through Fishers Park on April 14, 2023. Here's some of what she saw:
Wild Geranium
Marsh Marigold
Marsh Marigold and skunk cabbage
Partridge berry
Colt's foot
Trout Lily, yellow adder's tongue
skunk cabbage and trout lily |
Angelica? will check back in a few weeks
blood root
blood root
lots of skunk cabbage
skunk cabbage bloom
English daisy
And then a quick stop at Mertensia Park to check on the White adder's tongue / trout lily
And some NY Flora plates:
Pussytoes seen at Burroughs Audubon Nature Club on Saturday, April 29, 2023:
Also, lots of Jeffersonian Twinleaf and Mayapples!