Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018; 1 PM 
NATIONAL ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING at Lakeshore Park in Canandaigua
The City of Canandaigua is a Tree City USA.  Each year a tree is planted with an explanation of proper tree care.  The Mayor reads a proclamation and free posters and goodies are available from the Arbor Day Foundation.  This year’s tree was planted in honor of Melissa Virag who passed away in December.  
Mayor Polimeni reads the Arbor Day Proclamation
Katsura tree ready to be planted
Arborist, Stephanie Crim, explains the proper planting of trees
Students pitch in to help
Melissa Virag's mother speaks about Melissa's love of Canandaigua and nature
Local 7th grade students stand with Melissa's Mother, Janine, around the newly planted Katsura tree.
2018 Arbor Day poster

Winner of 5th grade DEC Trees For Bees poster contest

Arbor Day bookmarks 2018   

Friday, April 27; 6 PM 
ANNUAL POTLUCK DINNER AND Climate Change in the Finger Lakes Region
Meet at Saint John’s Episcopal Church, 183 North Main Street, Canandaigua (enter through St. John’s Court off Howell Street).  Bring a dish to pass and place setting for yourself and any friends you invite along.  Dinner begins at 6 pm. At 7 pm Russ Wesler of our Cornell Cooperative Extension will share the Effects of Climate Change on Plants in the Finger Lakes. Bring cash or check to pay your annual dues and receive the 2018-19 Canandaigua Botanical Society program. ($7 individual / $10 family)