SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2017 - 10:00 AM
The PLANT MAN (aka. Dr. Bruce Gilman) will delight in leading a walk along this historic stretch of the Ontario Pathways south from the water tower on Waddell Road. We are encouraged to bring field guides along to practice identifying the plethora of species found along this section of rails to trails.
You may also bring along your PASSPORT from the Wegmans Passport Series to obtain a rubbing or two. Passports can be obtained free from the Wegmans Customer Service desks in Canandaigua and Geneva.
Directions: Drive east on CR 488 to Orleans and take a right onto Waddell Road (where the speed reduces to 40 and the road turns left towards Phelps).

Park near this water tower.
Dame's Rocket |
Pegoda Dogwood |
Daisy fleabane
Celandine |
Wild Burr Cucumber and Virgins bower |
Siberian motherwort (square stem) |
Zig-zag goldenrod |
multi-flora rose |
Buckthorn |
Dame's Rocket |
Pale Swallowort |
Cranberry vibernum |
False Solomon's Seal |
Norway Maple (milky sap) |
Sugar Maple |
lactuca (wild lettuce) |
more pale swallowwort |
choke cherry |
Americana Basswood |
cinquefoil |
false Solomon's seal |
kidney leafed buttercup |
sedge |
poison ivy vine |
poison ivy |
touch-me-not / jewelweed
myrtle, periwinkle, vinca vine | |
wild geranium |
moneywort |
meadowrue |
blue bugle |
goutweed |
field horsetail |
Star of Bethlehem
sensitive fern |
Golden Alexandra |
parsley leafed English Hawthorn |
Burdock |
Jack in the Pulpit |
May Apples |
Dame's Rocket |
Six members attended on this pleasantly cool sunny day.
We walked south from CR 23 to the train wreck loop then
returned north along the Ontario Pathways trail to watertower.
Dame’s rocket, Pegoda dogwood, alternate leaf, Celandine (yellow), Bedstraw, Daisy fleabane, Herb robin, Wild bur cucumber, Virgin’s bower (Clematis virginiana), Mugwort (sage smell), Goldenrod (young), Siberian motherwort (square stem), Catnip, Tall buttercup, Swamp/burr white oak hybrid?, Zigzag goldenrod (named for stem), Multiflora rose, Buckthorn, Pale swallowwort (dog strangling
vine), Black elderberry, Enchanted nightshade (opposite leaves), Garlic mustard, Bloodroot (large leaves no flowers), Wild grape (vitis riparia), Cranberry viburnum, Orchard grass (ligule and round stem), False Solomon’s seal (blossoms/berries on end of leaves), Norway maple (milky sap), Sugar maple, Grey dogwood, Lactuca wild lettuce (non spiney thistle like), Riverbank grape, Choke cherry, Wood sorrel (clover leaves), Americana basswood, Ironwood or muscle wood trees, Shining bedstraw (square stems), Cinquefoil, Kidney leaf buttercup, Sedge, Basswood, Bitternut hickory, Butternut, Wood nettle (Laportea canadensis), Ostrich fern (fiddleheads), Jack in Pulpit, Goutweed (LOTS OF IT), Wild geranium, Bladdernut, NY fern, Moneywort, Meadowrue, Tall meadowrue, Vinca vine – periwinkle/myrtle, Blue bugleweed, Field horsetail (Equisetum), Star of Bethlehem, Sensitive fern, Golden Alexandra, Parsley leafed English Hawthorn, Burdock (good for composting), Ash, Touch-me-nots (Jewelweed), Mayapples, Poison ivy (ground and vines on
trees), Virginia Creeper