Tour of the Organic Fellenz Family Farm
Join the Canandaigua Botanical Society as we tour the Fellenz Family Farm. Andy Fellenz will show us the summertime workings of his organic farm and discuss managing tomatoes and cucurbits in high tunnels.
Andy Fellenz established the organic Fellenz Family Farm in 2002. He created and maintains three Community Supported Agriculture programs (Canandaigua, Geneva, and Pittsford) from his seven-acre organic farm. Andy has given presentations on issues such as agriculture in the Finger Lakes, organic farming, small-scale farming, and sustainable farming. Andy is also the president of the Ontario County Farm Bureau.
Dandelion-leaved Sundrops open in real time!
Here's a YouTube link with the same video:
They bloom in the evening between 8:30 and 9:30 pm from May through August. Blossoms will bloom once and be spent by noon the following day. Each plant will produce several blossoms each week throughout the four months.
Visit to the Rochester Academy of Science Herbarium
A herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens. The specimens may be whole plants or plant parts usually in a dried form and mounted on a sheet. Mounting is done with glue, tape, and in one case wire. Small envelopes are also used for some specimens or seeds.
The office of the Rochester Academy of Science Herbarium
A specimen of American ElmTables set up in the hallway for working and viewing (cabinets of specimens are to the right)
Specimans are organized by families (ending in aceae)
Cabinets are labeled by family and genus
Elizabeth Pixley showing the specimens organized by species inside cabinets
Specimen labels include family name, genus, species, location & date of collection, and collector name and sometimes stamps for viewer recording
Bethan impressed by the blue coloring of the Mertensia virginica after 115 years
Tom Crocker assisting with the opening of a hallway storage cabinet
Insect control once managed by moth balls can also be dealt with by freezing specimens
Many of the specimens had artistic value. It's important to invert a leaf for future reference.
Fern specimens
Where: Herbarium at the Rochester Academy of Science, in the basement of the Rochester Museum and Science Center, 657 East Avenue (at the corner of Goodman St.). Go to the RMSC front desk and ask for staff person to call ext. 368, the phone in the Herbarium.
Elizabeth Pixley, Herbarium Curator, has invited the Botanical Society to come and help with the Herbarium's valuable collection. The 60,000 preserved plant specimens are a significant record of the Rochester area ecology; most were collected between 1860-1950. We will learn about different plant species and help file specimens. In the past years, members of the Botanical Societywere required to bring plant specimens to each meeting; in this tradition, Botanical Society members can help the Herbarium preserve valuable specimans.
Elizabeth Pixley is Emeritus Professor of Biology at MCC. She has an M.S. in Botany from Cornell University. She is active in a number of professional organizations and has published extensively.