Field trip to the Geneva Experiment Station
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Time: 10 am.
OR if carpooling; 9:30 am at the County Court House parking lot.
Meet in the parking lot at the water tower near Jordan Hall off of W. North St. in Geneva. From Canandaigua, take Routes 5 & 20 east, turn left onto Preemption Rd. and turn right onto W. North St. Look for the water tower.
The Experiment Station is closed on the weekends. However, we can tour their native herbaceous flower gardens and have lunch in the gazebo on the Station grounds. Dr. Jana Lamboy, Assistant Professor of Environmental Conservation and Horticulture at FLCC has offered to give us a tour of the gardens which should be in full flower. After lunch, we will go to see Dr. Lamboy's gardens - natural, permaculture gardens. The emphasis is on cut flowers, privacy, natives, shrubs and trees without the use of pesticides or fertilizers.
Photos from our June 27th FLCC Woods walk with Dr. Bruce Gilman
Canandaigua Botanical Meeting Minutes from Lincoln Woods walk at FLCC, June 27, 2009
Attending: Dr. Bruce Gilman, Bob Guthrie, Mark Hawkins, Maya Hobday, John Hyde, Dick Kent, Leona Lauster, Laura Ouimette & Thomas, Mary and John Purdy, Elizabeth Socci,
Species recorders: Leona Lauster and Maya Hobday
Beautiful morning, pleasantly warm after some rainy days.
In the Arboretum: Started by Bruce Gilman in 1977
Little Leaf Linden; White Mulberry; Norway Maple; Red Maple; London Planetree; Sugar Maple; Pin Oak -deep sinuses, sharp points; Black Oak; Coranga Hedge (carnings tree forming hedges); Gold-tipped Cedar; Native white cedar; Thuja; Juniper; Deadly Nightshade in bloom; Catnip; Tall Hedge; Red Beech, Purple Beech; Native Magnolia or Cucumber Tree; Hackberry tree; Tulip Tree (Bruce’s favorite); Ginkgo-male; Scarlet Pimpernel; Austrian Pine -male & female on one tree; Weeping Norway Spruce-weeping pine; White Pine; Dawn Redwood-cone; Colorado Blue Spruce; Bald Cyprus; Fir tree – white stripes underneath needle; European Larch tree – looses needles;
Then the woods and Fallbrook trail:
Black Walnut; White Ash – seeds hang down like a grape pod; Private Hedge (pivot hedge escape); Buckthorn; Boxelder; European Wayfarer; Redbud; Cottonwood tree; Mock Orange shrub – white blossoms; Thimbleweed or Anemone – in bloom, seed head resembles a thimble; Native Sycamore; Willow; European Viburium; Hog Peanut; Orange-fruited Horse Gentian (genus triosterum); American Elm – lives only about 20 years; Rough Hawkweed – yellow; Field Garlic/Meadow Garlic; Poison Ivy; Smooth Sumac; Honeysuckle; Birdsfoot Trefoil; Crown Vetch; Common Mugwort; Corkscrew Willow –doesn’t grow tall therefore ideal for small yards (John Hyde), also used in floral arrangements; Autumn Olive; Canada Thistle; Butter-and-eggs; Blue-stemmed Goldenrod; Poplar tree; Sugar Maple; Mayapple in fruit; White Baneberry; False Solomon’s Seal; Red Oak; White Oak; Spicebush; Touch-me-not; Enchanter’s Nightshade; Clearweed
Then the boardwalk and trail:
Skunk Cabbage – red ashes; Marsh Marigold; Water Horehound; Red Ash; Yellow Iris; Swamp Dock; Yellow Water Buttercup – small, introduced to swamp by Bruce; Winterberry Holly
After the boardwalk:
Oxeye Daisy; Red Mulberry; Wild Geranium; Helleborine- weed Orchid; Garlic Mustard;
Blue Cohosh; Barberry; Bloodroot; Doll’s Eyes, White Baneberry in bloom
Herb Garden:
Tansy; Spiderwort; Ostrich Fern; Fern-leaf Tansy; Parsley; Foxglove; Yarrow – yellow; Nasturtium; Santalina; Lamb’s Ear; Horehound; Valerian; Sedum, Autumn Joy; Japanese Scholar Tree; Smoke Bush; Columbine aquilegia; Cultivated foam flower & Delphinium;
Paperbark Maple – hoping for a successful transplant this year
Day Lily; Coffee Tree;
SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2009 : 10 am
Meet at FLCC parking lot across from the Arboretum entrance.
Let's hope there's sunshine and warm weather for this walk, but if not, there's still plenty to see and experience in the woods across from the FLCC main buildings. We'll see June wildflowers amongst the forest floor and hopefully, catch a migrating bird or two. We'll view forest habitats, follow a boardwalk over a pond, and view grassy areas - all with their own ecosystems. Bring binoculars and camera; also bug spray. Trails are level but could be muddy so wear boots and bring a walking stick.
Dr. Bruce Gilman, Professor of Environmental Conservation and Horticulture and Mullen Field Station Director, will lead the walk.
SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2009 : 10 am
Meet at FLCC parking lot across from the Arboretum entrance.
Let's hope there's sunshine and warm weather for this walk, but if not, there's still plenty to see and experience in the woods across from the FLCC main buildings. We'll see June wildflowers amongst the forest floor and hopefully, catch a migrating bird or two. We'll view forest habitats, follow a boardwalk over a pond, and view grassy areas - all with their own ecosystems. Bring binoculars and camera; also bug spray. Trails are level but could be muddy so wear boots and bring a walking stick.
Dr. Bruce Gilman, Professor of Environmental Conservation and Horticulture and Mullen Field Station Director, will lead the walk.
Lagoon Park Photos
I've tried to label photos to the right or underneath. A species list for our Lagoon Park walk follows.
Yellow flag/iris
Common Reed
Milkweed and Daisy
Red-Osier Dogwood
Flax in bloom, bright blue
Looking through "frog spit" (also known as "coo-coo spit")
. Ray finds egg shell and the snail that "walked" with us. A Beaver lodge and evidence of beaver's work
Lagoon Park Plant List
Canandaigua Botanical Society
June 6, 2009
Leader: Bob Guthrie
Beautiful morning, pleasantly warm, blue sky.
Yellow Iris Iris pseudacorus (Yellow Flag)
Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia (in bloom)
Dogbane Apocynum
Bindweed Convolvulus
Common Reed Phragmites australis
Highbush Cranberry Viburnum trilobum (in bloom also called Irish cranberry - whole white blossoms on the outside, small brown blossoms inside)
Birdsfoot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus
Fox Grape Vitis labrusca
Bittersweet Nightshade Solanum dulcamara
Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina
Thistle Cirsium
Red-osier Dogwood Cornus stolonifera
Daisy Fleabane or Sweet Scabious Erigeron annuus
Common Burdock Arctium minus
Black Medick Medicago lupulina
English Plantain Plantago lanceolata
Yarrow Achillea millefolium
Virgina Rose Rosa virginiana (ragusa)
Rough Cinquefoil Potentilla norvegica
Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara
Milkweed (2 types)
Blackberries in bloom
Flax in bloom, bright blue
Curly dock, quite tall
Bedstraw, smooth
We saw Tiger Swallowtail and Wood Satyr butterflies.
Recommended Book:
Butterflies Through Binoculars by Jeffrey Glassberg
**Thanks to Leona Lauster and Maya Hobday for this listing.**
June 6, 2009
Leader: Bob Guthrie
Beautiful morning, pleasantly warm, blue sky.
Yellow Iris Iris pseudacorus (Yellow Flag)
Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia (in bloom)
Dogbane Apocynum
Bindweed Convolvulus
Common Reed Phragmites australis
Highbush Cranberry Viburnum trilobum (in bloom also called Irish cranberry - whole white blossoms on the outside, small brown blossoms inside)
Birdsfoot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus
Fox Grape Vitis labrusca
Bittersweet Nightshade Solanum dulcamara
Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina
Thistle Cirsium
Red-osier Dogwood Cornus stolonifera
Daisy Fleabane or Sweet Scabious Erigeron annuus
Common Burdock Arctium minus
Black Medick Medicago lupulina
English Plantain Plantago lanceolata
Yarrow Achillea millefolium
Virgina Rose Rosa virginiana (ragusa)
Rough Cinquefoil Potentilla norvegica
Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara
Milkweed (2 types)
Blackberries in bloom
Flax in bloom, bright blue
Curly dock, quite tall
Bedstraw, smooth
We saw Tiger Swallowtail and Wood Satyr butterflies.
Recommended Book:
Butterflies Through Binoculars by Jeffrey Glassberg
**Thanks to Leona Lauster and Maya Hobday for this listing.**
Please note that there may be duplications and errors that can easily be corrected by notifying Laura Ouimette.
Lagoon Park Walk – Focus on Butterfly Habitat
John and Mary Purdy met us at 10 am in order to share some of the Canandaigua Botanical Society history with Liz Witter of the Messenger Post Newspaper.
Attending the walk led by Bob Guthrie: Ray Boda, Marge and Dick Demallie, John and Marion Fladd, Maya Hobday, Peggy Kane, Leona Lauster, Sylvia Moore, Laura Ouimette with Bethan and Thomas, Dave Spier, Elizabeth Succi, Brenda Voorhees, Julie Warren. Messenger Post Photographer, Adrian Kraus, also joined us for the walk.
Bob Guthrie began the walk with an explanation that we would be looking at butterfly habitat with most everything we see being host plants. He strongly encouraged us to read beyond the photos in guide books because the photo is often not enough for correct identification. Leona Lauster and Maya Hobday kept species notes.
Attending the walk led by Bob Guthrie: Ray Boda, Marge and Dick Demallie, John and Marion Fladd, Maya Hobday, Peggy Kane, Leona Lauster, Sylvia Moore, Laura Ouimette with Bethan and Thomas, Dave Spier, Elizabeth Succi, Brenda Voorhees, Julie Warren. Messenger Post Photographer, Adrian Kraus, also joined us for the walk.
Bob Guthrie began the walk with an explanation that we would be looking at butterfly habitat with most everything we see being host plants. He strongly encouraged us to read beyond the photos in guide books because the photo is often not enough for correct identification. Leona Lauster and Maya Hobday kept species notes.
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