Thursday, March 27; 2 - 4 PM
Mertensia Park in Farmington
All are welcome to join us to dig out the invasive lesser celandine before the blue bells bloom. We will flag the invasive plants and provide the black bags and wheelbarrow to remove the lesser celandine. Please bring garden/work gloves and hand tools (garden trowel, hori hori knife). Small buckets or bins are also handy to collect the lesser celandine to transport to the black bags. Community service credit certificates will also be available for students/scouts/etc.
A dozen people (Botanical members, Victor Hiking Trails members, neighbors, and folks who read about us in the Penny Saver) came to dig out the lesser celandine plants which first needed to be found under the leaf cover. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon with temps in the high forties - perfect for working. Thanks to Ace Hardware of Farmington for the 5 gallon buckets and orange flags to mark the lesser celandine plants. Thanks also to the Town of Farmington Parks Department for picking up the trash bags of lesser celandine so they won't spread and invade other locations. Laura forgot her camera...but Bruce may provide some pictures soon.