The Canandaigua Botanical Society remains dedicated to advancing knowledge and enjoyment of plants found in the Finger Lakes Region and beyond.
Renew or become a Canandaigua Botanical Society member:
Benefits including:
Membership emails
Our Vasculum newsletters
Field trips and indoor presentations
(some for members only)
Learning about regional plants
Supporting the Finger Lakes Herbarium,
NYS FLORA Atlas and
local conservation projects
Enjoying the outdoors
Meeting people with similar interests
Payments of $10 per individual or $15 per family can be made in three ways:
1. By check to Canandaigua Botanical Society (send to our treasurer: Bill Bross, 31 Alpine Way, Victor, NY 14564)
2. By cash or check at Canandaigua Botanical Society events
3. Through the Canandaigua Botanical Society FLACE account at Canandaigua National Bank
You can expect an email receipt when funds are received and we update our membership list.
We look forward to seeing you in our 151st year!