Lesser Celandine Dig at Mertensia Park

Lesser Celandine Dig at Mertensia Park will be on  

SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2024, 11AM-2PM.


The invasive lesser celandine is visible and ready to dig out BEFORE it has an opportunity to crowd out the bluebells due to bloom in early May along Mud Creek.  

Anyone can join us.  We ask that you wear gloves and if you have a decent hand shovel or garden knife bring those tools for digging the lesser celandine tubers.   Please send us an email if you'd like a reminder:  canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com

 Very informative, albeit discouraging, article about lesser celandine.

March 28th update:  What a wonderful turn out of phenomenal volunteers we had on Tuesday afternoon!  It was a lot drier and more comfortable weather wise for the 13 people who came to dig.  By 3 PM we were having a difficult time finding anymore patches of lesser celandine so we called it done (until next year).   THANKS to the Farmington Parks crew for picking up the trash bags full of lesser celandine!

Scouting out growth two weeks prior

The day we originally planned to dig

Happy Robins

Much drier than we anticipated.  No snow in sight.

Lesser celandine in bucket.

One patch at a time gets the job done

Until next year....