New York Invasive Species Awareness Week! (June 5th-June11th)

Finger Lakes PRISM has a week full of programs available to help celebrate the New York Invasive Species Awareness Week. Field, in person presentations and online events are free but require registration.

Here are a few of their programs....

Help Plant a Native Pollinator Garden! - Monday, June 5; noon - 2 PM in Geneva

Native Pollinator-Plant Interactions: Designing Landscapes + Corridors to Support Regional Biodiversity  - Tuesday, June 6;  Noon - 1 PM on zoom

 Landscaping with Native Plants - Wednesday, June 7;  6-7:30 PM in Victor

Spotted Lanternfly: Be on the Lookout - Wednesday, June 7; 6 PM on zoom

Finger Lakes PRISM will also be at the 


presented by Genesee Valley Chapter Adirondack Mountain Club and Monroe County Parks
SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 2023 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at Mendon Ponds Park, Pittsford NY

DEC Announces New York's 10th Annual Invasive Species Awareness Week Begins June 5.  They shared this link to events throughout NY: