Early Summer happenings you may be interested in...


*Huckleberry Bog    (more strenuous trail with .83 mile uphill to get to the 3 mile bog trail)

 This is a five mile hike from Bean Station Road south of Prattsburg, NY.  It's a wonderful hike throughout the year but now is the time to visit the pink lady slippers, gay-wings, may apples, sarsaparilla, pink azalea, and late spring/early summer plants.

*Ontario County Historical Society  (free admission year round)

There are several exhibits at the OCHS, 53 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY.

Please be sure to get there before June 23 to see:

*Burning Springs Open Garden weekends

Saturdays and Sundays May 27 & 28, June 3 & 4

View the burning spring that Senecas revered and showed to French explorers in 1669, walk up the gully to a scenic waterfall and tour the spring-blooming gardens. The private property's owner, who allows access only during this annual event, will give a talk on the site's history at 2 p.m. on each of the four days the site is open.

 *Manchester Gateway Trail (wide flat trail, fine for wheelchairs, strollers, bikes, walking, and leashed pets)

This is the time of year that Leucojum (summer snowflake) are blooming.  A native of Europe has made it's way to the Eastern USA and can be found on the south end of the Manchester Gateway Trail near Water Street.   (As of May 27 the summer snowflakes are spent.  Must be the warmth of April brought them out early this year.)

 * Click on bold leads for more information.