Early bloom and change of plans?

This post was made on the morning of Friday, April 28, 2023.

The Canandaigua City Tree City USA National Arbor Day tree planting is going to happen at 1 PM on the city pier.  Please plan to attend and pick up a free NYS DEC Arbor Day poster.

Tomorrow, Saturday, April 29th the weather forecast is calling for rain and temperatures in the high forties.  We will be meeting at the parking lot behind the Fishers Fire Station at 10 AM to enjoy the spring ephemeral plants rain or shine!

Just in case you prefer to remain on the dry side, you may want to consider checking out our favorite Plantman.  Dr. Bruce Gilman has invited us to his presentation at 10 AM, Saturday, April 29 at the Bristol Springs Grange Hall, 6457 State Route 64, Naples NY

After the IceAge:The Return of Plant Life to the Bristol Hills

How did plant life develop in our region over the last 12,000 years, since the Great Ice Age? In his third and final talk in a series that started with the glaciers’ effects on our landscape and soils, Dr. Bruce Gilman tells how certain native plants thrived in those soils. He then will then take us on a virtual tour of our woodland habitats today featuring spring wildflowers.

Also happening tomorrow is the "Brown Birds" reception at the Ontario County Historical Society from 1-3 PM.  Not to worry, it looks like you can visit OCHS to see the "For The Birds" exhibit (which includes over fifty species of hand carved wooden birds!) until June 23.
Bluebells are blooming now!
We are cancelling our bluebells walk at Mertensia Park on Saturday, May 13th as it may be too late to enjoy the carpet of blue which has already begun to bloom.  SO, we will meet at Mertensia Park, Saturday, May 6th at 10am to enjoy the bluebells in full bloom. 



An invasive species is any species—plant, animal, fungus, microorganism—that is not native to a region and that is likely to cause harm to the environment, economy, or public health. They can be found on the land, in the water, or even in our backyards. Invasive species compete with native plants and animals for space, nutrients, and/or water. Once an infestation is established, invasive species damage forests, destroy wildlife habitat, take over fields and wetlands, dominate waterways, ruin crops, and cause human health problems.

For more information please check out the Finger Lakes PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management) 

And thanks to the Adirondack Botanical Society for sharing this ADK Invasive Species Fact Sheet  (which are similar to the Finger Lakes). 


One of our members brought the infestation of lesser celandine at Mertensia Park to our attention.  Lesser celandine is often mistaken for our native marsh marigold.  Lesser celandine is now growing at Mertensia Park where we had seen hundreds of bluebells in past years.  Helping to eradicate the lesser celandine now may help to restore the patches of bluebells in the future.  These photos were taken on April 29, 2023.

Yellow rings indicates lesser celandine (where we saw bluebells in past years)

lesser celandine invasive which needs to be dug out with tubers - do not compost!

looking south from the bridge at Mertensia Park where bluebells have grown in past years

We will be meeting at Mertensia Park on Thursday, May 18th at 3:30 PM to dig as much lesser celandine as possible.  PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING US!! Let us know you are planning to help by sending us an email to canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com.

     Also a growing concern at Mertesia is the increase of garlic mustard over the years.  This could/should be pulled out and removed/bagged, preferably before it seeds.

Spring Ephemerals

 Laura Ouimette took a stroll through Fishers Park on April 14, 2023.  Here's some of what she saw:

Wild Geranium

Marsh Marigold

Marsh Marigold and skunk cabbage

Partridge berry

Colt's foot

Trout Lily, yellow adder's tongue

skunk cabbage and trout lily
Angelica?  will check back in a few weeks

blood root

blood root

lots of skunk cabbage

skunk cabbage bloom

English daisy

And then a quick stop at Mertensia Park to check on the White adder's tongue / trout lily

And some NY Flora plates:

Pussytoes seen at Burroughs Audubon Nature Club on Saturday, April 29, 2023:

Also, lots of Jeffersonian Twinleaf and Mayapples!

Saturday, May 6, 2023; 10 AM (NOT May 13th as origionally scheduled)

Mertensia before Mother's Day!  Mertensia Park, Victor, NY 

Due to the early bloom (or late Mother's Day) we will be meeting at Mertensia Park on May 6th instead of May 13th.  The carpet of blue Mertensia blossoms may likely be in full bloom on May 6th.

Mertensia/Bluebells bloom during the beginning of May each year.     Join us as we walk among the bluebells and notice other spring ephemeral wildflowers along Mud Creek.  We will walk rain or shine, ground may be wet/muddy.  Boots and walking sticks are recommended. Meet us at the Rotary sign near the tennis courts.

Here's what they looked like on Saturday, April 29th:

Images from our May 6th walk at Mertensia Park:

Jack in the pulpits

false Solomon Seal with flower on tip
Lots of garlic mustard

wild geranium?
blood root past bloom
meadow rue
may apples
white violet lined trail
some trout lilies still in bloom
Virginia Mertensia - bluebells

more trout lilies
more bluebells across Mud Creek

lots of poison ivy
trout lily
dandelion and poison ivy
A new friend - painting