Canandaigua Botanical Society begins 147th year!

 The skunk cabbage was just beginning to emerge near the boardwalk of FLCC campus' Lincoln Woods.  These three buds were the only ones seen on the windy Friday afternoon of March 5, 2021.

 Canandaigua Botanical Society may look different again this year.  We are still trying to navigate safely through the Covid Pandemic.  Your ideas are certainly welcome.  Please share them by email:  

Here are some current highlights:

Canandaigua Botanical Society supported Jim Engel and the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council in getting another exception to the Canandaigua City Council's 5 year moratorium of herbicide use on city property.  This will allow continued Lagoon Park restorations (17 links in Index to Past Postings/left column).  Jim Engel will again cut invasive buckthorn  and "paint" the buckthorn stumps with Rodeo.  Canandaigua Botanical Society will donate $600 towards this continued restoration effort with hopes of planting more native plants to assist in a healthier ecosystem.  We are encouraging additional donations towards this current restoration project.  If you would like to donate, please email and we'll provide the address of our treasurer, Bill Bross.  

A listing of public trails is being put together to encourage folks to enjoy plants found in the Finger Lakes Region.  If you have ideas of particular properties and best times to see certain species please email them to   * FLCC trails south of the FLCC arboretum is a great place to spot skunk cabbage buds throughout March.  * Mertensia Park in Victor is a great place to enjoy bluebells just around Mother's Day (early May).

Ideas are forming to hold our annual meeting at an outdoor venue later in May or June. 

If you are already on our Canandaigua Botanical Society email list we will be sending more updates soon.   If you'd like to be added to the Canandaigua Botanical Society email list please send your name and email address to

More pictures from FLCC: