Check out our Sesquicentennial Program

Check out our Sesquicentennial Program
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Moon Flowers are blooming! Dandelion-leaved Sundrops

Moonflowers generally begin blooming in late May.  This year they began just this 3rd week of June.  Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy blooms each evening into August.  They're blooming just about 9 PM.
We haven't updated with a new moonflower video, but here's one from years ago

Huckleberry Bog

On the beautiful cool day of Sunday, May 31, 2020 we enjoyed a hike around the Huckleberry Bog, a Bristol Hills Branch of the Finger Lakes Trail.  We hiked about four and a half miles in under four hours.  The sights were wonderful and especially informative with guidebooks available to borrow at the trail heads.  The guide is available online here:  It has plant descriptions and sketches in the back.

We entered from Bean Station Road just about three miles east from route 53, which is over ten miles south from the village of Naples just past Prattsburg.

Inside of the north trail register

We traveled the orange trail clockwase around to the blue trail and back out again.
bridge from the road to the trial (check for walking sticks to borrow if you didn't bring your own)

The cemetery will be on your left just before a steady half mile climb up to Huckleberry Bog

Cananda May Flower

North trail register at the top of the hill

remaining trilium

star flower



flowering May Apple

bracken fern

Wegmans Passport kiosk

Indian Cucumber root

Hugging Trees: Red Oak and Hemlock

Loads of Gaywings!

Tupelo tree

Pink Lady Slipper

We saw at least 2 dozen Lady Slippers along the trails

Indian Cucumber Root and Star Flower

young solomom seal?

poison ivy (this is the only bit we found)

orange coated chesapeake bay retriever!!

lots of medium Jack-In-The-Pulpits

The trail was very well marked with 46 metal markers to correspond to the  stops described in the guidebook

plenty of Jewel Weed / Touch-Me-Not even without poison ivy sightings

velco variety bedstraw

more Gaywings

A new one for me, Squawroot

High bush Blueberries

loads of wild geranium

rather large snake

spotted this garlic mustard closer to Bean Station Road - only one spotted (Yay!)

honeysuckle (also near the road)

lots of periwinkle/myrtle

wild strawberries

May Apple field