Saturday, September 28, 2019

Learn how the earliest members of Canandaigua Botanical Society preserved plant species that are now housed at the FLCC Herbarium.  Thanks to the Conesus Lake Watershed and Bruce Gilman for bringing this opportunity to our attention.

Also happening on Saturday at Amanda's Gardens:

Amanda's Garden Flowers and Foliage Day!
We're excited for our annual fall event at the nursery, Flowers and Foliage Day, this Saturday, Sept. 28. We'll have our beautiful native plants for sale so you can get a jump start on planting to enjoy next year! We will have autumn decorations, seed collecting demonstrations and guided tours of the property. Bring the kids to enjoy our leaf rubbing station! Knowledgeable staff will be on hand to answer questions and give consultations of your landscape.

Saturday, Sept. 28, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., 8030 Story Road, Dansville, NY