Bergen Swamp tours

Bergen Swamp Preservation Society is offering tours of Berrgen Swamp on Saturday, May 18, 2019.  Here's the information they provide.  Please let them know if you plan to attend.  (Contact Laura if you wish to carpool from Canandaigua.)
 Come and share a tour of the Bergen Swamp on May 18, 9:00AM morning tour and 1:00PM afternoon tour. Tours will meet at the Gillam Grant Community Center, 6966 W Bergen Road, Bergen, NY 14416. Please let us know if your attending by emailing us with the number in your group and which tour (am or pm).

Photos from the May 18th tour:

Early May walk through Mertensia Park

Our Plein Air among the Blue Bells will be next week, Saturday, May 11th from 10 AM to Noon at Mertensia Park.  I took a walk along Mudd Creek today and enjoyed the wildflowers that will be hidden in blue next week.  Enjoy!

Select OLDER POSTS to see more details

May Events:  (you may need to select Older Posts to see details for these events)

           Spotted Lanternfly information

           Saturday, May 4:        Love My Park Day at Sonnenberg Gardens

     Sunday, May 5:          BANC Open House

May 11:                      Plein Air ~ Mertensia Park Bluebells

      Sunday, May 12:        Mother’s Day at Sonnenberg Gardens

      May 19:                       Interfaith Climate Summit

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sunday, May 19; 2-5 PM
Greece Baptist Church, 1230 Long Pond Rd, Rochester, NY 14626
The Rochester Area Interfaith Climate Action is a group of individuals and organizations of faith in the Genesee Valley area seeking to create a meaningful response to Climate Change.  In doing so they acknowledge a common conviction to care for the earth and its people.   Working together they seek to share resources, leverage strengths, and magnify positive impact.
** Share in interfaith celebration of the gift of our Earth
** Learn current best practices for recycling, switching to renewable energy, making heating & cooling more sustainable, reducing and handling food waste, creating a community garden, educating and motivating for Creation care, and advocating for sustainable legislation. There will be a workshop by and for youth.
** Experience the intergenerational Carbon Footprint Game

The event is free. Please register in advance at Childcare available with registration.