Finishing our 142nd year and planning for our 143rd year!

There are two more programs scheduled for our 142nd year and we are in the process of planning our 143rd year. 

We will meet at Sonnenberg Gardens for a historical tour and perhaps uncover some connections with early Canandaigua Botanical Society members through Frederick's diaries.

FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017
We will enjoy our annual potluck dinner and meeting with a presentation by Laura Ouimette about the history of the Canandaigua Botanical Society and hopes for the future.

We are in need of volunteers to keep this valuable gem of the second oldest USA botanical society thriving for years to come.  Please email us at if you are interested in becoming more involved.  We're also looking for ideas and suggestions for events/field trips for our 143rd year.  Perhaps you'd like to lead a walk or know of a spot that would be of interest to fellow members.  You can join us at a planning meeting or just send us an email with your ideas!