Planning for our 141st year!

We are in the process of planning 
events for the 2015-16 
Canandaigua Botanical Society Program.

But first do remember our two remaining events from our 140th Anniversary year:

   Saturday, March 28, 2015: 
Naked Tree Identification with Bruce Gilman 
at FLCC room C220 at 10 AM
Friday, April 17, 2015: 
Annual Potluck Dinner and Frozen Lake 
Presentation by Steve Lewandowski. 
This is the evening that our 2015-16 
printed program will be available.

Ideas for our 141st program include:
Plein Air Bluebell painting
Lagoon Park Kiosk dedication
The NEW FLCC Viticulture Center 
Medicinal/Edible Botanical walk at Ganondagan
Wild Wings visit to learn about predatory birds
Forest Garden tour

Please let us know what we are missing - what would you like to know more about or where would you like to visit?