Check out our Sesquicentennial Program

Check out our Sesquicentennial Program
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Learn about BIOCHAR

When: Saturday, November 10, 2012
Time: 10 am to noon      
Where: Room C220 at FLCC (directions below)

Kathleen Draper will present an overview of the history and current research related to biochar. Biochar, also known as ‘terra preta’ is an ancient soil management technique, which safely stores carbon for hundreds and possibly thousands of years. Biochar is produced from local waste biomass such as fruit pits and wood chips.

Kathleen Draper recently completed a Masters in Sustainability at Marlboro College where her thesis focused on the creation of a small scale, replicable biochar model.

She has launched Finger Lakes Biochar http:/ which is producing biochar from local waste biomass and is researching the potential of biochar’s use in vineyards as well as whether it can help reduce phosphorous and nitrogen leaching into ground water.

Finding FLCC, Room C220

The FLCC Canandaigua Campus is located on the northeast side of Canandaigua Lake.

The Canandaigua Botanical Society generally holds indoor meetings at Finger Lakes Community College - Room C 220.

Room C 220 is located in building 8 on the map above. It is easiest to get to Room C220 by entering from loading dock entrance C on the map. You can park in the southeast corner of lot A and walk up Laker Lane to get to the building. Parking may also be available closer to the building in loading dock C for those with handicap permits.

How to find C 220:
** Turn onto Marvin Sands Drive and take the second left onto Laker Lane.
** Follow Laker Lane around to the first stop sign. (Take a right at the stop sign into the parking lot and proceed by foot…)
** Continue along Laker Lane to the second Emergency blue light east of building C
** The entrance to building C is on the left closest to Laker Lane.
** Room C 220 will be inside, straight ahead, and to the left.


Thanks to Stephen Lewandowski for this:


Strong odor rises
from our footsteps
as we tramp through
a small, wooded glen
set in farmland
but never worked.

What's that smell?
Pure strand of
soft-stemmed plant
holds out clusters
of white flowers and
heart-shaped leaves.
 Alliaria officinalis
or garlic mustard
has been used by
generations of
ordinary folks.

Though the authorities put
a price on your head-
alien, invasive, exotic-
my ancestors who
had no other seasoning
used you as

Rochester Academy of Science Herbarium Workshops

Saturday, October 20, 10 am - 2 pm – Life Sciences section will hold a workshop at the RAS Herbarium, located in the basement of the Rochester Museum and Science Center (RMSC).  No experience needed! Plan to come and help with this valuable collection – and see some interesting plants! Lunch is served in the RMSC Cafe until 2 pm, or you can bring your lunch. At RMSC, go to the front desk and ask staff person there to call ext. 368, the phone in the Herbarium. If you plan to attend, please send an RSVP to Elizabeth Pixley, herbarium curator, 334-0977 or

Wednesday, November 14, 1 pm - 4 pm – Life Sciences section will hold a workshop at the RAS Herbarium, located in the basement of the Rochester Museum and Science Center (RMSC).  No experience needed! Plan to come and help with this valuable collection – and see some interesting plants! (Lunch is served in the RMSC Cafe until 2 pm) If you plan to attend, please send an RSVP to Elizabeth Pixley. Then, at RMSC, go to the front desk and ask staff person there to call ext. 368, the phone in the Herbarium. For more information, contact Elizabeth Pixley, herbarium curator (334-0977 or